Digitalisation of reinforcing steel supply chain in construction
Abstract: Trust in safety critical products has been seriously undermined by fake data scandals and major#
disasters such as Grenfell Tower. The regulation introduces the ‘golden thread’ of building# information
which means that finding the truth of a product’s provenance is never more needed# than now – and
reinforcing steel is one of the most safety critical structural materials in any project. Design and structural
engineers also need to understand the environmental impact of their designs and in particular, the upfront
‘embodied’ carbon emissions – measured as its Global Warming# Potential (GWP) in CO2 equivalent
(CO2e) per tonne of product.
Keywords: CARES, Certification, Cloud, Digital Transformation, Product Conformity, Reinforcing Steel.
1. Introduction and Background
The drive towards digitalisation is a central topic across all industries, revolutionising the design, production
and organisation of the global value chain. Digital technologies promote new processes implementation
along the entire value chain, through manufacturing and sales to services, concerning the use of a product,
performed by research and development activities. For this reason, digitalisation should be considered a
holistic approach that covers all areas and functions of an organisation in order to exploit digital potentials
and analyse each stage of its value chain.
Digital transformation is one of the core elements of the ongoing industrial revolution. Digitalisation requires
significant investment in people, processes and technology.
People: A culture change has to start with people. A digital transformation will only happen if the right people
are involved in the process, and if everyone is on board including Top Management with the changes that
will happen across the business.
Process: A digital transformation process is about getting stakeholders to think and work more effectively,
make smarter decisions, and use the right tools for the business. It’s an opportunity for the organisation to
see what processes can be automated and take a deeper look at the data to gain greater insight into the
way the business runs and how to meet stakeholder needs more effectively.
Technology: Technology helps to enable process transformation. The organisation should define the right
technology infrastructure to enable the future plans to ensure the growth and success. For example, Cloud
is not a new technology and there are a wide variety of Cloud configurations available for businesses. Cloud
architectures should be flexible, adaptable to changing regulations and business requirements.
The future of construction and steel industries is digital. The construction industry accounts for 6% of the
national economy and hires as many as 2.4 million workers in the UK – roughly 8% of the whole workforce.
Yet, despite its national and indeed global importance, it has yet to undergo any significant digitalisation.
Increasingly, there is recognition across HMG that delivering the stated priorities of infrastructure investment
requires a shift in thinking – with digitalisation holding the key. In a recent foreword to Flourishing Systems,
an academic paper on the impact of climate change on current economic and social priorities Fergus
Harradence, Deputy Director for Construction at BEIS, wrote (2):
“The UK government has made clear that it places infrastructure at the center of its vision for the nation –
investing in infrastructure to level up prosperity and wellbeing across the country. Digitalisation, built on
secure, resilient data sharing, has an important role to play in achieving this. As we emerge from the Covid-
19 pandemic, it could be that digitalisation has reached a tipping point. The lockdown has required us to
adapt quickly to digital ways of working, proven the robustness of telecommunications systems globally,
and shown the need for improved data.”
Investment in digital solutions is already beginning to have a positive impact, according to the recent survey
(3). It found 54% of organisations that had already adopted integrated digital practices had seen an increase
in workforce productivity; 43% said business win rates had improved; and 56% had cut operating costs.
2. Digitalisation of CARES’ operations and the reinforcing steel supply chain
Trust in safety critical products has been seriously undermined by fake data scandals and major disasters
such as Grenfell Tower. Finding the truth of a product’s provenance is never more needed than now – and
reinforcing steel is one of the most safety critical elements in any project. Structural engineers also need to
understand the environmental impact of their designs and in particular, the car-bon footprint of the
reinforcing steel.
The CARES Cloud digital solution is being developed to address and solve this urgent issue, bringing
simplicity to a complex supply chain (Figure 1) while re-storing trust where it’s missing. By working
collaboratively with stakeholders, the CARES Cloud tracks each batch of reinforcing steel from its point of
origin to the construction site providing compliance and carbon footprint data plus sustainability credentials
to achieve credits in GREEN STAR, BREEAM, LEED and/or CEEQUAL (Figure 2)
Figure 1. CARES assured reinforcing steel supply chain.
Figure 2. CARES digital supply chain.
CARES is aiming:
a) To make the CARES assured reinforcing steel supply chain the safest, most effective, efficient,
digital and sustainable in the World.
b) To ensure all reinforcing steel products are quality assured, responsibly sourced and evidenced by
a CARES Digital Passport (Record).
c) Making sure products are effectively tested, certified, marketed, and traced complements CARES’
independent assurance of product compliance from the CARES assured supply chain, including
manufacturers, traders, and processors of reinforcing steels. The CARES Cloud enables real-time
analysis of the manufacturing origin of the reinforcing steel and an accurate carbon footprint value
for each tonne of reinforcing steel delivered.
This Cloud-based solution provides 100% accurate, reliable, easily accessible product information and
evidence of assurance and journey throughout the sup-ply chain, with the ability to update BIM models with
data collected from the supply chain and seamless connectivity to other systems via secure Application
Programme Interfaces (API’s).
The digital platform uses customizable dashboards and a suite of Apps to al-low online and hand-held
scanners and smartphones to trace what has been manufactured, procured, fabricated and delivered in
real-time. It replaces existing manual paper-based processes which are labour intensive, and vulnerable to
damage or malicious alteration and potentially leave significant gaps in assurance trails. The CARES Cloud
will also enable a value-based procurement approach providing a reliable digital twin of the installed (fixed)
3. CARES digital tools
3.1 CARES Cloud
The CARES Cloud (4) ecosystem started development in 2016 to digitise a com-plex supply chain. This
cloud-based platform is built through an ‘agile’ development process, using a suite of Apps which allow
online and hand-held scanners and smartphones to trace what has been produced, fabricated, delivered
and installed in real-time.
It consists of Upstream Cloud, Downstream Cloud and complementary Apps. The CARES Upstream Cloud
is used by the CARES approved manufacturers (Steel Mills) and CARES Assessment Team (Auditors). The
CARES Downstream Cloud is used by the CARES Approved processors, projects and contractors.
It replaces existing manual paper-based processes which are labour intensive and prone to leaving
significant gaps in assurance trails. The CARES Cloud will also enable a value-based procurement
approach and provide a reliable digital twin.
The CARES Upstream Cloud secure web portal application provides a single platform of product test data.
Through the CARES Upstream Cloud, approved manufacturers submit the product test data and the data
is validated to the relevant Standard.
The product test data for each batch/cast is securely stored on the Microsoft Azure platform and provides
real-time access to the product test data. Strict per-mission policies ensure each users data can only be
managed by the intended account.
The start of the journey from product testing to creation of the Dynamic QR Code is the uploading of product
test data by the mills to the CARES Cloud as an XML file. The data requirements and format of the XML file
is set out in the CARES Cloud Data Transfer Specification.
Two GUIDs namely “Test GUID” and “Digital Passport GUID” are used to help identify data that is on the
CARES Cloud. The “Test GUID” is simply a unique identifier for each of the test lines uploaded. The “Digital
Passport GUID” is used to create the Dynamic QR Code, which is printed on each product label attached
to every product bundle or coil.
For each combination of Cast, Standard and Diameter, the CARES approved manufacture creates a Digital
Passport GUID. This acts as a reference that the manufacturer may, if required, store in their own systems
to record the Digital Passports created.
If required a Cast, Standard and Diameter combination can be split into multiple digital passports. In Figure
3, all of Cast no “1000000001”, Standard “BS4449:2005+A3:2016 Grade B500B”, Diameter 32mm, has
been put into one digital passport, so all 4 testing records have the same “Digital Passport GUID”. Cast
“1000000002”, Standard “BS4449:2005+A3:2016 Grade B500C”, Diameter 20mm, has been electively split
into two sets of tests, stored on separate digital passports, before upload.
Figure. 3. CARES “Digital Passport GUID”.
The CARES Downstream Cloud secure web portal application is developed to help CARES approved
processors, projects and contractors in the supply chain to confirm:
a) Source - which enables to capture and validate the origin of the steel used giving the ability to
calculate accurate Carbon information.
b) Batch - which additionally enables to capture and validate the cast numbers and standard of the
steel, enabling real-time traceability.
c) Properties – the final level of traceability that provides all the chemical and mechanical properties
for the steel used.
The portal includes functionalities to generate Material Compliance Report and Carbon Footprint
3.2 CARES Apps
A suite of CARES Apps have been developed and made available for use for a number of users groups,
including internal users and external users. They con-tribute to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
audits, including with the audits of reinforcement manufacturers, traders, agents and processors.
CARES Cloud App was developed in 2019 and is available from the App Store for iOS device (5) and
Google Play for Android device (6). The App is capable to search CARES approved companies product
markings, referred to as bar marks, report a concern for CARES approved companies and scan the static
QR Code on the CARES certificate of approval to confirm the validity and scope of approval on the
CARES Auditor App was developed to help CARES auditors to report issues arising from CARES audits.
The App has the same functionality as the CARES Cloud App and additional CARES Audit Functionality
and is also used to scan the CARES Dynamic QR Code on product labels.
CARES Upstream App was developed to help CARES approved manufactures to scan their CARES
Dynamic QR Code on product labels.
CARES Downstream App was developed to help CARES approved processors, projects and contractors
in the supply chain to confirm source, batch and properties.
3.3 Industry standard QR codes
CARES Static QR Codes (Figure 4) provide evidence that the reinforcing steel was sourced from a CARES
approved manufacturer with a valid approval to the relevant product standard. The information from the
Static QR codes can only be retrieved by third parties (stockists, traders, processors, contractors, designers
and clients) by using CARES Cloud App.
Figure 4. Scanning CARES Approved Company static QR code.
CARES Dynamic QR Code provides a link directly to the uploaded XML product test data by the
manufacturers on the CARES Cloud. The data requirements and format of the XML file is set out in the
CARES Cloud Data Transfer Specification
CARES Dynamic QR Codes (Figure 5) allow permitted third parties to retrieve an online digital passport of
the traceability, chemical composition and mechanical properties of the reinforcing steel. The information
from the Dynamic QR codes can only be retrieved by permitted third parties (stockists, traders, processors,
contractors, designers and clients) by using CARES Supply Chain Apps.
Figure 5. Scanning CARES Manufacturer Dynamic QR code.
3.4 Evidence of product compliance
Assurance of product quality - The digital portal enables a CARES Digital Passport of each batch of
reinforcing steel to be available in real-time as evidence of compliance to the reinforcing steel product
standard and sustainability credentials, such as the carbon footprint. The CARES certificates of approval
for all companies in the supply chain are available via a customised dashboard.
Sustainability credentials - The CARES sustainability certificates of approval and Environmental Product
Declarations (EPD), including carbon footprint data, for all companies in the supply chain are available via
a customised dashboard. It provides independent, reliable and verified carbon footprint data for each batch
of steel reinforcement to enable carbon accounting.
CARES Digital Passport (Record) – enable digital compliance checking and provide a reliable digital twin.
Material Compliance Report (MCR) – Clients, such as Network Rail, require a Material Compliance Report
which includes the sources of all materials, certification of all suppliers and product information at the batch
3.5 Enable value-based procurement
CARES Cloud enables a value-based procurement approach which will con-tribute to high level national /
governmental strategic objectives:
a) Supporting delivery of overarching economic, social and environmental goals
b) Addressing the challenges of climate change in the built environment
c) Supporting the transition of the steel sector to lower environmental impact and resource efficiency,
in turn enabling the transition to the circular economy
d) Encouraging and facilitating innovation and achieving the maximum benefit from long-term
infrastructure investment.
Implement a digitally enabled upstream and downstream CARES Cloud integration to provide reliable and
easily accessible product information and assurance for reinforcing steels from design to construction site.
The digital ecosystem will include manufacturers and processors of reinforcing steels to create a proven
BIM-enabled workflow, driving real-time manufacturing analysis, in turn providing accurate carbon footprint
for each tonne of rebar installed.
CARES will provide a secure system of product provenance – and traceability – from the design stage,
through to an 'a-built digital twin’ including all data re-quired to meet current and future safety and
sustainability regulations - particularly key findings of the Grenfell Fire tragedy set out in the Hackitt report
(Building a Safer Future), together with the Buildings Safety Bill and forthcoming 'Golden Thread' secondary
regulations (7).
4. Conclusions
CARES are committed to delivering the highest level of assurance and driving efficiencies through digital
technology in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of assets built with CARES approved
CARES Digital Transformation Strategy represents a truly visionary solution at a time of critical global
transformation in a core economic sector – construction – which has resisted change for too long. Through
its bold, ambitious and timely scope, CARES goals deliver on the objectives and commitments detailed in
the UK Government’s Construction Sector Deal (8) and supports the objectives of complementary
digitalisation policies in the construction industry (9).
CARES seeks to embed its digital transformation initiative as a core part of its Strategy and Action Plan.
CARES’ vision is to:
a) Implement new technologies and systems which will transform the steel supply chain (Digital
product traceability, compliance checking, BIM) and
b) Continue setting the pace in collaborating with stakeholders including digital partners.
5. References
1. E. Bogner, T. Voelklein, O. Schroedel & J. Franke, Procedia CIRP, 57, 14-19 (2016), Study based
analysis on the current digitalization degree in the manufacturing industry in Germany.
2. Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure & Construction (CSIC) (2020), Flourishing systems, Reenvisioning infrastructure as a platform for human flourishing.
3. Causeway Technologies - Construction’s Digital Front Line (Autumn 2019)
4. CARES Cloud digital platform (accessed 29th January 2023)
5. CARES Cloud App - App Store for iOS device
6. (accessed 29th January 2023)
7. CARES Cloud App - Google Play for Android device
8. (accessed
29th January 2023)
9. Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) – Golden Thread Report - Building Regulations
Advisory Committee: golden thread report - (accessed 29th January 2023)
10. GOV.UK - Policy paper - Construction Sector Deal (July 2019)
(accessed 29th January 2023)
12. GOV.UK - Policy paper - UK construction industry: digital technology (February 2015)
(accessed 29th January 2023)